A message for you:
I am very grateful and humbled to be the Squadron Commander of the Sons of American Legion here at
squadron Northland 47.
My name is Frank Thomas Sawicki, Jr. and most of my family served in the military in different capacities. I tried my best to serve my country when I was young, but they would not take me due to a heart condition, so I did the next best thing. I went into full time ministry and focused on serving my country by serving God. Then ten years ago my family and I moved here to Canaan, VT to
help Grace United Methodist Church become what it is today, the Grace Community Church.
I have been involved with the community and it was only natural to help with the SAL. I love our military and the freedoms they protect. Coming to the meetings, I longed to help more, and one thing led to another, and now I am commander. Thanks for the support of the men around me and your support through the time I serve.
We will do great things for the community, state, and our beloved country. If you would like to contact me, please feel free to email me at 1976frankie@gmail.com.
Thank you and God Bless America.
Frank T Sawicki, Jr. Commander SAL